ATTENTION! THIS BOOK IS SOLD OUT!This is my first book, published with Imaginism Studios. In this book, you will find many paintings previously published in magazines such as GOLF, Guitar Player, The Weekly Standard, REVOLVER and more. Some of the pages include sketches I did in preparation for the painted illustrations.

There are paintings painted just for the book such as "The World is a Vampire", "Condi's Sucka", and "Bill Murray". A Tutorial on thumbnail sketching, pages from my sketch books, and in the tradition of Imaginism Studios, a Guest Artist Gallery featuring the art of Joe Bluhm, Drew Friedman, Ismael Roldan, Bobby Chiu, Thomas Fluharty, Larry Seiler, Stephen Silver, Kei Acedera, Hermann Mejia, Roberto Parada, Jan Op De Beeck and Wouter Tulp.
Foreword by Drew Friedman.